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The Media Ministry at New Testament Baptist Bible Center exists to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through technology by creating a dynamic environment for worship and effective communication while developing genuine relationships with each other.  This ministry not only provides the technical support required for our worship services, but also records various events, teachings and sermons, which are made available on CD.



The ministry’s mission is to glorify God by ensuring that His Word and our praise and song to Him is seen and heard clearly and without distraction or interference within our local church and throughout the world as it’s broadcasted or distributed on media with the highest video, audio, and production quality available.



Although this ministry covers all local church needs that have to do with audio and visual technology, the most requested and needed functions of the ministry include:


  • Broadcasting live audio and video to the worship center and internet.

  • Recording audio and video during regular church services and special events.

  • Audio and video editing or recorded services and other special events for archive, broadcast, and production.

  • Production, duplication, and distribution of recorded audio and video files to fulfill order requests,

  • sermon messages and other special events.

  • Providing audio and video support for evangelistic outreach and other special events outside of the

  • church building.


How Do I Get Involved?

Do you have a natural gift for electronics, sound or video equipment? Or maybe you just have a strong desire to learn, along with a passion to serve the body of Christ  If God has gifted you with other talents that can be used to help our Media Ministry grow, we would love to talk with you and see how you can be involved in this exciting ministry.  There are many opportunities to get involved with the Media Ministry including:


  • Audio & Video Editing

  • Graphic Design

  • Website Maintenance and Updates

  • Lighting Technician

  • Sound Technician

  • Presentation Software Operation and Design


For more information or to volunteer for this ministry please contact Brother Cornelius at








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